在 Probionic,我们始终热衷于研究,并致力于确保我们提供一流质量的想法和产品,造福人类。我们高度重视知识产权,迄今为止,我们已在全球多个国家为我们的菌株注册了专利。
Patent |
Patent Number |
Patent description |
United States Patent |
US8034606B2 |
Novel acid tolerant lactobacillus sakei probio-65 with the ability of growth suppression of pathogenic microorganisms and the anti-allergic effect |
대한민국특허청 (Korea) |
KR100479719B1 |
유해 병원성 미생물 생육 억제능 및 항알레르기성을 갖는 신규 내산성 락토바실러스 사케이 Probio-65 |
Oversættelse af europæisk patentskrift (Denmark) |
DK1859022T3 |
Ny syretolerant Lactobacillus sakei Probio-65 med evne til væksthæmning af patogene mikroorganismer og antiallergisk virkning |
European Patent Specification |
EP1859022B1 |
Novel acid tolerant lactobacillus sakei probio-65 with the ability of growth suppression of pathogenic microorganisms and the anti-allergic effect |
Traducción de Patente Europea (Spain) |
ES2524589T3 |
Nueva Lactobacillus sakei Probio-65 ácido tolerante con capacidad para suprimir el crecimiento de microorganismos patógenos y con efecto antialérgico |
中华人民共和国国家知识产权局发明专利 (China) |
CN101160389B |
对致病微生物的生长具有抑制能力和抗变应性作用的新的耐酸性沙克乳酸杆菌益生菌-65 |
World Intellectual Property Organization (Worldwide) |
WO2006/080822A1 |
Novel acid tolerant lactobacillus sakei probio-65 with the ability of growth suppression of pathogenic microorganisms and the anti-allergic effect |